
We proudly announce the opening of our new automated warehouse.

With a constantly expanding range and an ever-increasing demand for our products, the need for more space and better logistics management has also increased. Investing in a new warehouse was therefore a necessary and strategic step to further improve our service and meet our customer needs even better. 

Built on an area of 2,390 m2, the new warehouse will allow us to triple our pallet capacity thanks to shelving arranged on 8 shelves over 10 m high

The packing and packaging area has been more than doubled, also providing a ramp for loading containers. 

The new warehouse will also be semi-automated in order to allow us to improve the item picking process and their preparation, ensuring faster and more efficient management of the orders.

We are confident that our new warehouse will fuel our continued growth and success, allowing us to deliver the best possible service to our valued customers.

AM Gears