

The website herein www.euroricambigroup.com (the “Website”) is the property of: . RICAMBI S.p.A. ("")


Via Chiesaccia, 5 - Loc. Crespellano - 40053 Valsamoggia - Bologna - Italy
Tax code: 02027250378 / VAT reg. no. 00543131205
Economic and Administrative Business Register: BO – 247328
Share Capital: € 6,440,000.00 


Every user who accesses this Website and/or uses this Website (the "User") does so under the terms and conditions set out below.

. reserves the right to make amendments, even substantial ones, and to update the terms and conditions of use of this Website (the "Conditions of use") at any time, without any obligation to provide notice thereof. In the event of amendments to the Conditions of use, by accessing the Website, every User undertakes to abide by the Conditions of use, as amended.


This Website, including the design, layout and arrangement of contents, as well as the contents themselves, their selection and organisation, are protected by the applicable national and international regulations on the subject of industrial and intellectual property rights, as well as copyrights.

Without prejudice to all other express specifications, all the information and/or material contained on the Website, including the technical data, technical information, photographs, illustrations, logos, trademarks and all other types of material present on the Website are and remain the sole property of . RICAMBI S.p.A. ("“") and/or of the subsidiaries and/or affiliated companies of the EURORICAMBI GROUP (in particular, ñ S.p.A., AM Gears S.r.l., Eurotec S.r.l. and Lambert Getriebeteile GmbH).
Any materials or contents on the Website owned by third parties will bear an indication of their respective origin or a suitable reference, to guarantee the attribution of rights to their legitimate owners or authors. By way of illustration, references to the names and/or trademarks of original manufacturers appear in particular on the Website, in order to inform the User of the interchangeability of the products of the companies in the EURORICAMBI GROUP with the relevant components of original manufacturers.


Access to the Website, and the related use, does not give the User the right to use the contents of the Website without prior written authorisation from .

The User is therefore prohibited from copying or in any other way notifying, publishing, disseminating, transmitting or making available, even partially and/or following amendments, what is published on this Website, without written authorisation from . Any use for commercial intent or utility or economic exploitation on the part of the User is in any case expressly forbidden. Access to this Website, and the related use, does not grant any licence to use the related industrial and/or intellectual property rights. Any links to this Website may be made only subject to prior written authorisation from . and, in any case, must only be made to the home page of the Website alone. Linking to internal pages, using for instance framing or deep-linking, scraping and data mining techniques, is expressly forbidden.


The information and/or material contained on the Website is only disseminated for information and promotional purposes.  All the information and/or material published on the Website (including catalogues, price lists, brochures, circular letters, advertisements or other illustrative documents) are purely indicative and non-binding.

Although the contents of the Website have been compiled with the greatest care, . and/or the subsidiaries and/or affiliated companies (in particular ñ S.p.A., AM Gears S.r.l., Eurotec S.r.l. and Lambert Getriebeteile GmbH) will not be held in any way liable for the accuracy, correctness, completeness of the information and/or of the material or for the uninterrupted accessibility to the Website. 

In particular, the advertising information and/or materials on the Website may contain errors or inaccuracies and not be up-to-date. 
Moreover, . cannot guarantee the constant availability of the Website since, although it is equipped with high-efficiency devices and uninterruptible power systems (UPS), connectivity interruptions, linked to the provider or to unforeseeable events, may nevertheless occur. Although . constantly updates its anti-virus system and its anti-hacking systems, it is not possible to ensure that the Website and the contents it provides are free from computer viruses.

Whoever uses the information and/or materials contained on the Website does so under their own total responsibility for any loss, cost or damage, whether direct or indirect, of any nature and size, ensuing from the use of the Website itself.

. and/or the subsidiaries and/or affiliated companies (in particular, ñ S.p.A., AM Gears S.r.l., Eurotec S.r.l. and Lambert Getriebeteile GmbH) will therefore not be held in any way liable for any damages, whether direct or indirect, including loss of earnings, connected to the use of the Website and of the information and/or materials published on it, as well as in relation to the functionality of the Website itself.


The Privacy Policy (/ru/privacy) is published on the Website, provided in accordance with the provisions of the personal data protection code; the latter means (EU) Regulation 2016/679 about the protection of natural persons concerning personal data processing, as well as the free movement of such data (hereinafter "GDPR"), Italian Leg. Decree no. 196/2003, Personal data protection code, subsequent amendments or addenda and any additional legal provision, deed, regulation pro-tempore in force on the subject of personal data protection.

The User’s personal data will be processed in a pertinent, transparent manner and in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, limitation, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality in compliance with the Personal data protection regulation.

The Website uses cookies (including analytic and profiling cookies) and other identifiers required for the Website to work, to customise contents and adverts, to provide social media functions and to analyse the traffic, to share information with third-party partners on the ways in which the Website is used and, more generally, for the purposes described in the Cookie Policy (//уки).