
We are proud to announce that our UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, has been updated both in ñ and AM Gears, after passing the certification audit.

This internationally recognized standard ensures our daily commitment to provide efficiency, continuing improvement and value to our customers thanks to an effective quality management system carried on every day by each of our employees. The certificate covers all our operational sites, plants and offices, as specified in Annex 1.

Specifically, TUV certifies that our quality management system complies with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 for the following scopes of application:

  • Design and manufacturing of gears and drive components for trucks, buses, passenger cars, earth moving machining and agricultural vehicles;
  • Procedures for carrying out weighting activities for the determination of the "Verified Gross Mass of the container" (VGM) according to Methos 2 provided for by the amendments to Chapter VI Rule 2 of the SOLAS 74 Convention as amended (IAF 22, 18).
AM Gears