

WEBSITE www.euroricambigroup.com

Dear User,
In compliance with the current Discipline regarding the protection of personal Data, RICAMBI S.p.A. (“.”) holding of EURORICAMBI GROUP, consisting of controlled and/or related undertakings (in particular ñ S.p.A., AM Gears S.r.l., Eurotec S.r.l. and Lambert Getriebeteile GmBH), with this privacy policy provides you with important information about the processing of the personal Data of users (registered or unregistered) visiting the website www.euroricambigroup.com (“Website”);

. operates as the Owner of the personal data collected and/or acquired through this website and/or as the Processor, appointed by the controlled and/or related undertakings themselves, for the processing of data collected and/or acquired directly or indirectly by the same controlled and/or related undertakings.

For the above mentioned purposes, the term “Data Protection Legislation” means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the "GDPR"), Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, Data Protection Code, as subsequently amended or supplemented (the "Data Protection Code") and every other provision of law, deed, regulation in force, pro-tempore, concerning personal data protection.

Pursuant to arts. 13 and 14 of the GDPR, we hereby inform you as follows.

By visiting the website, using the services provided on the website and interacting with . RICAMBI S.p.A. and/or with the other undertakings of EURORICAMBI GROUP (and in particular the controlled and/or related undertakings ñ S.p.A., AM Gears S.r.l., Eurotec S.r.l. and Lambert Getriebeteile GmBH), you declare that you have read and understood the privacy policy and accept that personal data are processed in compliance with this policy.


Personal data collected and/or acquired implicitly through the use of Internet communication protocols and/or voluntarily supplied, by filling in forms, through the Web Site, may be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation, the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency and the confidentiality requirements from which our business draws.

The following are examples of the categories of data that may be processed and are not intended to be exhaustive:

  1. internet history data such as IP addresses, log data or domain names and other parameters relating to the computers, operating systems and IT environment used;
  2. data supplied voluntarily by the User such as: (i) vital, identifying, contact and log-in data such as first name, last name, e-mail address, telephone number and log-in credentials; (ii) data collected for purposes of negotiating, concluding, performing contracts with the entity for which the User works; (iii) data relating to the products and/or services supplied by . and/or the other undertakings, controlled or related, of EURORICAMBI GROUP; (iv) data concerning preferences, such as data relating to the User's product and/or service purchasing activities and habits; (v) payment and bank data, such us bank account number or IBAN; (vi) data acquired from public sources, such as the data of representatives and attorneys-in-fact collected, for example, through Chambers of Commerce or commercial information services, (vii) data of third parties supplied by the User (collectively, the "Personal Data").

Additional information about the use of cookies and other tracking technologies and on how to monitor them is available in the cookies notice on the website.

. does not ask Users to provide special categories of personal data (for example, data relating to race or ethnic origin, philosophical or religious beliefs, union membership, political opinions, medical or health conditions or information concerning the individual's sex life or sexual orientation). If necessary, . will obtain the User's specific consent to the collection and use of said information. The intentional collection and storage of data concerning minors do not fall within .'s policy.


Processing of personal data means any operation - or set of operations-, whether or not by automated means, which is performed on personal data or sets of personal data, whether or not recorded in a data base, such as archiving, collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, consultation, processing, modification, selection, retrieval, alignment, use, combination, blocking, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, restriction or otherwise making available, erasure and destruction of data.

Personal data will be processed in the context of .’s business and/or of the undertakings, controlled or related, of EURORICAMBI GROUP (i.e. ñ S.p.A., AM Gears S.r.l., Eurotec S.r.l. and Lambert Getriebeteile GmBH) for the purposes indicated below:

  1. to comply with pre-contractual and/or contractual obligations relating to the conclusion, management and performance of the contractual relationship existing or in the process of being established with . and/or with the undertakings, controlled or related, of EURORICAMBI GROUP and, in particular, acquiring information compiling lists, compiling statistics, bookkeeping, and, in general, complying with requirements relating to customers and/or suppliers, invoicing, credit management, management of disputes, market investigations and research, sending of promotional publications of . and/or of the undertakings, controlled and/or related, of EURORICAMBI GROUP, statistical analyses, mandatory auditing, as well as for everything that may directly or indirectly arise from the relationship with the User and/or the entity for which the User works, including e-mail communications;
  2. to comply with legal requirements of an administrative or commercial nature or relating to taxation or accounting, and arising from .’s business and/or of the undertakings, controlled or related, of EURORICAMBI GROUP, and with the instructions of government authorities and supervisory bodies and with administrative practices;
  3. improvement of browsing on the Web Site;
  4. to carry out advertising and marketing activities, send newsletters and direct marketing communications by e-mail, text message, mms, push e-mail, paper post, telephone, relating to products and/or services of . and/or of undertakings of EURORICAMBI GROUP, customer satisfaction surveys, statistical analyses, whether directly or through third party suppliers. The foregoing may also be done after profiling the User.

. will use the User's' data for the purposes set forth above, as well as for: (i) its legitimate interests in carrying out its professional activity; (ii) its legitimate interests in the efficient and legitimate management of the business, as long as said interests are not overridden by the interests of the Users; (iii) the legal and regulatory obligations to which is subject.

The personal data for the purposes indicated in points a), b) and c) above, fall within the scope of art. 6(1)(b), art. 6(1)(c) and art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR and do not require the prior express consent of the data subject.

The User may elect whether or not to provide its personal data: however, since it might be necessary for purposes of carrying out the contractual relationship between the User and/or the entity for which the User works, and . and/or the undertakings, controlled or related, of EURORICAMBI GROUP (i.e. ñ S.p.A., AM Gears S.r.l., Eurotec S.r.l. and Lambert Getriebeteile GmBH), the failure to provide personal data or any refusal to provide personal data may result in the failure to establish the contractual relationship or in the impossibility of continuing said relationship.

The processing of personal data for the purposes indicated in point d) above, if not required for the negotiation, conclusion or performance of a contract, falls within the scope of article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR in that it is based on the explicit consent of the data subject, which the Controller will obtain in a specific form at the time the personal data are collected for said purposes. Similarly, if . and/or the undertakings, controlled or related, of EURORICAMBI GROUP (i.e. ñ S.p.A., AM Gears S.r.l., Eurotec S.r.l. and Lambert Getriebeteile GmBH), intend to engage in profiling of the User pursuant to the Data Protection Legislation, which profiling produces legal effects concerning the User or similarly significantly affects him or her, the Controller will obtain the explicit consent of the User at the time said personal data are collected for said purposes.

In any case, the User may cancel its registration to the website or may withdraw its consent to the usage of data provided during registration.


For all of the purposes listed above, and for purposes of compliance with laws and contracts, the personal data may be disclosed to third parties, including third parties having contractual relationships with the Controller and/or with processors of the personal data, for example, those falling within the following categories: professionals or companies providing IT services; professionals, legal, tax or corporate consulting firms; system administrators; credit management companies, banks and/or credit unions, insurance companies, public bodies, public authorities, public institutions, individuals appointed as processors of the data, representatives, employees or associates in another capacity, in their capacity as the Controller's and/or the Processor's/s' designated and/or authorized processors of the personal data; and the personal data will not, however, be disclosed.

The recipients referred to above may also include controlling companies, controlled and/or related companies belonging to the same group of undertakings as . (in particular ñ S.p.A., AM Gears S.r.l., Eurotec S.r.l. and Lambert Getriebeteile GmBH) and having their registered offices in other countries, including countries outside of the European Union, since . may have a legitimate interest in transmitting personal data (including processing the personal data of customers, suppliers, employees or associates) within the group of undertakings for internal administrative purposes.

Personal data may be disclosed to external parties such as dealers or business partners of companies belonging to the EURORICAMBI GROUP if such disclosure is necessary in order to execute a contract or to carry out pre-contract activities in accordance with a request made by you and to allow them to provide you with the information, products or services requested.


The processing of the personal data shall take place using instruments adequate to ensure their security and confidentiality and may be done both on paper and by computer. Processing will be done by automated means and/or manually, in accordance with the provisions of the Data Processing Legislation, by persons specifically designated and/or authorized, in accordance with the provisions of said Data Processing Legislation.

. uses a number of physical, electronic and management measures in order to ensure the secure, careful and up-to-date storage of the personal data.

Although . uses adequate security measures, once the personal data have been received, their transmission over the Internet (including by e-mail) is never completely secure.

. strives to protect the personal data but cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted to or by . over the Internet (including by e-mail).

The personal data will be stored for the longer of the following: (i) the period of time necessary for the purposes pertaining to the collection thereof; (ii) the storage period provided for by law; (iii) the end of the period during which disputes or investigations relating to the contractual relationship with the User and/or the entity for which the User works, may arise.


We inform you that, with regard to the processing referred to above, in your capacity as “Data subject” you may, at any time, exercise your rights pursuant to arts. 15 et seq. of the GDPR and, in particular, the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data are being processed, indication of the source of the data, to obtain access to the personal data and to information concerning the processing (purposes, categories of personal data, recipients or categories of recipient, period for which the personal data will be stored), rectification, erasure, restriction and objection to the processing at any time and even where the data are being processed for direct marketing purposes, data portability, to object to automated individual decision-making, including profiling, to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, to withdraw consent to processing of the data (to the extent that processing is based on consent), to anonymization, to blocking of the data, to be informed, without delay of a personal data breach undergone by the Controller.

In order to exercise said rights, you may contact . RICAMBI S.p.A. by sending a request to the following address: Via Chiesaccia 5 – Valsamoggia Loc. Crespellano – Bologna, Italy, or by sending an e-mail message to: privacy@fataricambi.com


The Controller of data processing:

. RICAMBI S.p.A., having its registered office in Via Chiesaccia no. 5 – Valsamoggia Loc. Crespellano – Bologna, Italy, represented by its pro-tempore duly authorized representative.

. is also nominated Processor of personal data by the undertakings of EURORICAMBI GROUP and, in particular, by the controlled and/or related undertakings, ñ S.p.A., AM Gears S.r.l., Eurotec S.r.l. and Lambert Getriebeteile GmBH.

The list of processors and of people designated/authorized to process the data is available at the registered office of the Processor as indicated above.

This notice may be amended. Any changes will be communicated to the data subjects on the Web Site www.euroricambigroup.com.
